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HOPE is the true root of all healing.



Is the true root of all healing.

When you have it, you can believe in almost anything.

When you don’t, all you can see is darkness.

It’s one of those things that is pretty binary, because to “try” to have hope, is really not it.

However, you can believe deeply and strongly in the possibility of something without knowing it for certain.

That is… the definition of HOPE.🕊

I believe this is one of the truest, deepest, and most powerful frequencies that has brought healing into my life and the life of my clients.

💫Story time:

Once upon a time, I had multiple markers in my blood for autoimmune disorders and was seeing multiple specialists.

I was told I have to go on thyroid medication for the rest of my life.

But I noticed that my THS and auto-immune marker levels would calm down when I had peace around a certain, and specific area of my life.

I was once accused of something I didn’t do in a court of law, and I had to defend my truth and prove my innocence.

Truly, I had a lot of anger for the people who deliberately put me in that position and lied on paper about what they KNEW to be the truth.

…And every time I remembered that anger, and felt that stress, and felt like my voice was being silenced… my blood reports would show it.

I refused to go on life-long medication because it didn’t resonate with me.

I went to hypnotherapy instead, and my blood is beautifullllllllll, and so is my thyroid, and so is my voice, and so is my body, and so is my powerful and innate sense of self who refuses to silence herself just to serve someone else’s purpose or line their pocket-books. 🔥🔱🕊

Sorry. You can lie about me, but I won’t give up my voice.

💥You will hear my truth ring loud and true even if I don’t say a word.

💥That is the power of my presence now, my confidence in myself, and my BELIEF in the power of me.

🕊I believe our bodies can heal.

🧬 After 12 years, every cell in your body is different. (Your intestinal lining replaces itself every 2 weeks.)

🧬So exactly why do any of us need to hold onto any energy frequency that is creating a pattern of dis-ease?

🌺Why not just plug in a healthy one instead?

So exactly why do any of us need to hold onto any energy frequency that is creating a pattern of dis-ease?

Why not just plug in a healthy one instead?

Why should our cells be reborn in the image of dis-ease when they could just as easily be reborn in the image of vitality?


HOPE. Is when you believe something is POSSIBLE.

ℌ𝔬𝔭𝔢 is what opens up your heart to the possibility of being freed from the past. 🔥

ℌ𝔬𝔭𝔢 is what changes you.

Because prior to ℌ𝔬𝔭𝔢 being planted in your body, you didn’t know if the Sun really existed above the darkness of the soil.

I’m here to tell you that it does.

The Sun is there. ☀️

The rain is coming. 🌧

The soil is fertile. 🌏

Are you willing to bloom.

ℑ𝔱'𝔰 𝔰𝔞𝔣𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔪.

Love, Lopa

“Lopa…. do you have a bundle for this? For physical health and healing? ”

Why yes. Yes I do. 💁🏻‍♀️

I just crafted it from my epic collection of magic. ✨💖🤩🧬💫

Includes 9 audio tracks.

+1 Bonus Track.

Investment: $688 (Price will go up once it’s featured on my website). or 3 payments of $244.

DM on Instagram @awaken.purandhri for an invoice if you already know you’re in…. or apply to my 1:1 from my website link and mention this bundle in your inquiry. If you're not already part of my Email Sanctuary, click the link at the top of this page to get inside and receive a free meditation. You are welcome to reply to any of the emails there to contact me directly.

The full name of this bundle…. will be revealed soon.


My Soul is calling a very intense frequency legacy with one…

I gotta get my body behind the name. 😅💫🤩

But she’s here…. and I promise you, she is GLORIOUS. 💫🍃🌺🌏



© 2023 by Awaken Purandhri LLC

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