The results, the life, the love, the liberation, the joy, the relationship, the money, the ease, the feminine grace and power that you wield...
will be so sweet
When you come from Purity.
Pure Heart. Soul Call. Cosmic Wisdom.
Untempered by the dictation of others.
Unbothered by the opinions of others.
Unmarred by judgement.
Untouched by greed, desire, expectation, need.
It will be your purity, expressed.
If I wanted, all the above, a life, wilder than my dreams, this is the only way, I would want it.
From a place of purity, so potent, it expands.
I wasn't born to follow the tips, tricks, rules, and ways of the world.
I am me.
You are you.
I invite you to
Birth your life from the vein of Your Own Power.
And you'll never have to wonder who is responsible for your results.
Because it will be you, you and you.
In Divine Co-Creation with your Soul, Your Mission, and Your Purpose on this Planet.
Life isn't about you.
It's about what is being birthed Through You.
△ Hear the Call of Your Soul
PART 2 :::::
Very few people in this world are going to hold you to a level of integrity that is beyond your physical body.
💥It’s not about what you want, what you think you want, or what is convenient.
⚔️It’s about… what is going to lead to the deepest activation of your Soul Frequency.
🌙What is in highest service to your Soul Expansion.
That is the gift that you get offered in my world.
—It would be very easy to give you what your fears desire: a quick-fix, a band-aid, a single-time solution.
But that’s not what I’m here for.
🕊I will teach you to hear the sound of your own inner voice.
🕊To hear the heartbeat of your intuition. And to feel in your body, soul, and mind, the reverberation of pure peace.
🤍What it looks and feels like to Embody the truth of your soul.
💥You body will NOT stop speaking to you until you slow down to listen, and enact what it is asking you to do.
💥If you’re ready to reverse the pattern on what’s happening in the present moment, you will Slow Down To Listen To Your Body and see the truth of what is available to you in the present moment.
I cannot wait to witness you experience in REAL TIME, the truth about you.
🕊It’s going to blow you away, move you to incessant tears, and make your heartbeat in pure strength. 🌹You will feel more alive, than you have ever felt before.
Because finally… you are operating according to the truth that lives within, instead of responding to the reflections of the world around you.
This is Power.💥
This is Freedom.🕊
This is True Love.🌹
It’s not About You.
It is you.
Love, Lopa
PART 3 :::::
If you are frustrated right now with your lack of progress in a particular area of life, let’s reframe 2021 for you:
1. Know. 🌹
You are not broken. You don’t need to be fixed. It’s not about working on more ‘limiting beliefs.’
🕊You don’t need More Solutions, you are craving More Peace and Embodiment of your dream life.
💓It’s safe to not settle, and also safe to accept that you have done so well in every stage of your life thus far.
⚔️Will you be honest enough to hold both at the same time?
2. Celebrate. 🎉
Your determination to keep walking and being open and curious to life…. even when it looked like it wasn’t working.
3. Forgive yourself. 🕊
Consider that you may have layered some misaligned “solutions” on this vessel of yours and ended up frustrated or resentful, and it is natural to feel that way because not all ‘solutions’ are made from a place of purity and service to your Divine Soul and Mission on this Planet. Not all solutions ARE for you. Some of them, have everything to do with the person who created them, and nothing to do with you, and simply aren’t a match—for you. So it’s no wonder they don’t stick. They’re not meant to. Let it go. 💥 And, the fact that you now know those routes weren’t for you, IS the gift.
Your discernment is the gift.
💥Don’t let your past mistakes, real or imagined, hold you back from your present expansions.
ALSO: If this doesn’t apply to you and you don’t have regrets, stop digging for ways that it does. 💋Next.
4. Past Soul Solutions that were crafted For You and brought you to this point… but aren’t IT anymore… it’s safe to honor them as they are. 💫
🪐You have evolved beyond that phase of consciousness… those solutions are now going to feel like clutter and you’re the one reading this post with your heart in your throat, aching for more truth. You’ve entered a new time warp, and it’s okay to upgrade your support systems. You’re not betraying your past, you are evolving.
💫You can hold onto those solutions, evolve them, or release them.
💫The choice, IS yours.
5. Consider that if you are not in connection with Your Pure Soul Codes and willing to RECEIVE activation, your field is a No Landing Zone

. PERIOD. You don’t have the software to activate Your Truth, and again, that doesn’t have anything to do with anyone else, other than you. There may be blocks in your subconscious field, and so you’re keeping yourself safe from recieving beyond what your nervous system is ready to recieve. It’s safe to acknowledge this truth without being all or nothing about it. You are not a failure. You are seeing new truths now because your vision has expanded. You CAN receive what is next for you, by allowing your soul evolution to flow through you.
6. There is such a thing as Divine Timing. Every experience you have walked through has led you to this point. You are ready to amplify your gifts, and be in gratitude for EVERY experience of your life, both aligned, not aligned, joyful, and painful. When you have amassed this level of Courage and Radical Self-Responsibility… now you are ready. Now you are ready to live out the next layer of life that your Soul has Destined For You.
It takes huge personal power to accept responsibility for your past, and, love yourself profoundly at the same time.
Let me know in the comments below which reframe resonates most with you.
🕊 My work is divined BY you, Your Higher Self, and the Divine Wisdom that the Cosmic Life Force of this Universe wishes to pour through you.
✨ It is created in reflection of who you are, where you are going, and what gifts need to be activated now, so that you can walk there with more ease.
🕊 It is the Subconcious Software, that takes you from where you are now, to where you desire to be, by making Space for Your True Gifts, to Land.
✨It is the gift from your Soul to you, that frees you, to live your life, unencumbered by your fears, but activated by your dreams.
If it is time for you to initiate your legacy, don’t wait on this Soul Call. Honor it, and walk forward with courage. You are Deeply Worthy of your Destiny. My Aura Soma single sessions will call forth the frequency and truth of your Soul, in a way that Lands, that you get to integrate deep into your body. I only have 5 spots available for those that are ready to land these codes between now and Feb 20. DM me Luxury Magic or You are the Magic to book our session into the unfolding heart of 2022.
🕊🔥✨If you're ready to attune your physical vessel to the divine frequency codes which wish to be expressed through you, my 1:1 intimate work is a profound activation chamber for the woman you are, the one you will be, and everything... in between.
⚔️We leave no stone unturned, to pave the path to your soul destiny in the flesh. Message me directly at: to initiate your journey.